Obtenir un visa (pour les candidats non européens…)

Voici les différents visa qu’il existe pour travailler au Royaume-Uni.

Highly skilled Workers (HSW)

www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/workingintheuk/tier1/general : «The programme is designed to allow highly skilled people to migrate to the United Kingdom to look for work or self-employment opportunities. The Highly Skilled Workers Programme is different from the work permit scheme because you do not need a specific job offer in the UK to apply. It is different from business routes such as the Innovators scheme or other business categories because you do not need a detailed business plan; you do not need to create jobs; and you do not need to invest in the UK.»

Post-study Workers

www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/workingintheuk/tier1/poststudy : «The post-study worker category allows us to retain the most able international graduates who have studied in the United Kingdom. Post-study workers are free to look for work without having a sponsor for the length of their leave.»

Working holidaymaker visa (pour les pays du Commonwealth)

www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/workingintheuk/tier5/workingholidaymakers : «The working holidaymaker scheme is an arrangement where a Commonwealth citizen aged between 17 and 30 can come to the United Kingdom (UK) for an extended holiday for up to two years. You can work, but only provided this is incidental to the holiday. The holiday should be the primary reason for your stay While you are in the United Kingdom on a working holidaymaker visa, you can take most types of work.»

Youth mobility scheme

www.gov.uk/tier-5-youth-mobility : « The youth mobility scheme is for young people from participating countries and territories who want to come and experience life in the UK.» Dans le cadre de ce programme, vous pouvez travailler pendant deux ans au Royaume-Uni. Tous les programmes de visa en Angleterre expliqués par UKCOSA www.ukcosa.org.uk/student/working_after.php : «Le Conseil pour l'éducation internationale (UKCOSA) est une organisation indépendante fondée en 1968 et enregistrée en tant qu'organisme caritatif au Royaume-Uni. Le travail de UKCOSA est alimenté par la conviction que de nombreux avantages découlent de la mobilité internationale des étudiants. Dans cette conviction, il promeut et cherche à protéger les intérêts des étudiants d'autres pays étudiant au Royaume-Uni; l'intérêt des étudiants du Royaume-Uni qui étudient - ou souhaitent étudier à l'étranger; les facteurs facilitant la mobilité internationale des étudiants.»

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